December 10, 2008

Free to choose


Can't live with them . . .

People who espouse an attitude of liberal thinking don't want their rights trampled, whatever it is they deem to be 'a right'.

But they are, by and large, the worst OFFENDERS when it comes to trampling the rights of others simply for having and supporting a difference of opinion when it comes to what is 'a right' of expression.

I believe we have opposition in all things as a way to help us choose which side of the fence we will pasture in and which voice we will list to obey - that of the Good Shepherd, or of the rapacious wolves who would disguise their voice in order to draw the lambs close enough for a slaughter.

While I might not like or approve of another's use of their agency, I will defend to the death their right to make an ass of themselves in whatever way they choose. We fought a war in heaven to have the chance to do so.

Satan had other plans. He wanted us to be subject to him through a cattle mentality where we would be herded and driven toward the finish line without making choices - or mistakes.

But through the mistakes we make, we learn. Some are just slower than others to heed the lessons.

Satan wanted to use force and cooersion to keep everyone moving along toward the ultimate reunion with our Father.

I don't think we would have been very happy to have that reunion if everything was done according to someone else's schedule.

Jesus Christ wanted us to have the opportunity to WILLINGLY choose to follow Him. To WILLINGLY desire a joyful reunion with our Father.

He knew some would be lost through their own choices. But that others would learn and make wiser choices and come back into the fold of the Good Shepherd.

Is it fair that some will be cast out?

You betcha.

The feel good mentality of 'everyone is a winner' is a gross lie.

Without true effort on our part, we don't learn. And sometimes learning a lesson IS painful.

Just ask the kid who burned his fingers touching something hot after repeated warnings to "Stay away".

Some lessons are only learned the hard way.

I'd like to say I only had a few of those experiences. But there have been many.

The current economic downturn reminds me of a painful financial lesson of my own sans governmental bailout.

Dumb choices reap painful rewards. Creditors called. Payments were demanded. Choices were changed and bills finally got paid.

No one stepped in to make it all better.

I had to learn to make better choices.

So it is with all sorts of choices and expressions.

No one can decide who gets to say what is on their mind and who gets to be told to 'shut up' because their opinion isn't viable.

You can indeed be free to choose, to speak, and to accept the consequences of the choices and speech that you are responsible for doing.

But therein lies the rub.

Liberals want to be free to do and say and act any way they see fit.

But they don't want an accountability phase.

It's okay to bully, intimidate and extort those who don't buy into THEIR views, but it's considered a hate crime to return the favor to the many viewpoints and people who espouse ideologies that are just 'out there'.

The train has not only jumped the track, but it has jumped the shark.

Lunacy can't ever be a substitute for public policy. When it becomes so prevalent that society is bowing to the will of one thought or mantra, we have most certainly lost our way.

Just rambling through the pain meds this morning...