June 22, 2009

And We Trust them Because...


I am frustrated right now.

I have prayed about this and I am trying to remain calm. But I must confess, it isn't easy when you are dealing with bureaucratic level incompetence. The worst part is that I paid to have my trust and faith in them abused in this way. I paid...

I have never felt like a 'john' more than I do now.

The service wasn't what was advertised. Sure, it was slickly packaged. It had a great come on line. The promises sounded perfect.

But then comes the dawn and almost two weeks worth of dawns since, and I have a huge case of buyer's remorse and a feeling like I've been used.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been sold down the river by the postal service.

Sending things overseas for the last 19+ months has been an adventure. While Thomas was in the MTC in Provo, I had the reasonable assurance that goodies and sox and whatever we sent would reach him in a matter of a couple of days. No more than a week tops.

Even going across the pond, I have had packages take as little as 5 days or as many as 16 days. It's postal roulette at its finest.

But this beats all I've ever seen.

I have paid for documents to be shipped priority 5 to 10 days service with registered mail to insure them and make certain that they arrive on time.

Apparently, the extra fees mean nothing.

Not only did it take 4 of the alleged guaranteed days just to make it to New York City, which, by the way I can DRIVE quicker than that, but now the tracking has disappeared from the radar as if it never existed at all.

I am scared.

And I am angry.

And when I called the post office about it, they were so blasé as to be completely useless about it all. There attitude, despite me paying more for their service is 'Oh, too bad. It will get there when it gets there. This is the most secure way to ship your documents and it will be fine. Check back later.' The gal on the phone didn't even have the decency to 'feel my pain'.

Well, just go EAT ROCKS AND DIE!!!!!

The prayers I have offered and will continue to offer are straight begging. I don't want to play it up as if it is anything else. Pray that the package gets there, PLEASE. I can't have enough faith by myself on this one. I admit I am too weak.

Now, this is truly the best part of it all. Our talking eggheads in D.C. who tout the postal service as a paragon of governmental efficiency now want to model their vision of national health care on this said post office and its array of services.

I'm not only not comfortable with that idea, I'm terrified.

Try this on for size:

Misrouted mail is irritating, but it has nothing on the frustrating happenstance of misdirected medicine. Imagine getting your neighbors medicine 'by accident' and dealing with the consequences, the side effects and the possible demise they cause. Sure mistakes in the mail happen, but most won't kill you.

Or like this recent package fiasco, you set up a special procedure to take care of a medical complaint. Suddenly, you awake in a facility nothing like the one you intended to receive treatment from and the 'special' part of the operation has become a nightmare. Now you are missing something you need and they left attached or unrepaired that which you didn't need.

Oh, wait. We aren't done. You have to fill out information that can be tracked online. Just how secure is that tracking? Who can get access? Just what kind of information could be available to anyone who had your number? And if they can get your records, can they decide what services you are eligible to receive based on your 'medical zipcode'? Or can they simply delete you from the system entirely?

These D.C. powerbrokers are the same people who have a bank for their own purposes. It's called OUR WALLETS. They don't live like we do and all of their "down home" talk won't amount to a hill of beans when we are all dying waiting to get a boil lanced or to repair a cracked tooth when MRSA infections sets in.

Anytime THEY want to do something, it comes at OUR expense. And no matter how the promises have been advertised, posted and packaged, the reality is what you wake up to the next morning isn't what you purchased the night before. They have us over a barrel and they know it. We can't just get rid of them and we have to hope they really want to fulfill their promises.

And, by the way, remember this: "If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have." Gerald Ford said that. I wonder if he had the postal service and national health care in mind...