May 9, 2013

Little bit at a time

Patience is not my strong suit.

Learning that I have to continue to progress at the rate that my healing under God's direction is progressing is a hard lesson. I want to be well now and go about life. But I am realizing that my plans are not God's plans and that sometimes the idea of rushing things has a pretty hairy price to pay.

When I do too much, I definitely feel it and it comes in waves of pain.

And that makes things harder to deal with in the long run.

The good news is I've watched some good, old programs and I'm reading some good books and magazines.

The bad news is that I am worn out and tired of the pain.

But I'm still here, so I'm trying to focus on the blessing of being alive when it well could have worked out another way.

I am truly thankful that I'm not on the other side of the long dirt nap.

I'm thankful to have more time to become what God intends despite my sinful nature.

And most of all, I am thankful to have more time with my family and friends even if all I can do is tell them that I love them. That is the best thing they could hear from me.

God bless!