What a wonderful opportunity to begin, on the Sabbath day even, with a fresh, clean slate to start the new year!
Off with the old! Partaking of the sacrament to renew covenants seems like a really good beginning to the project of becoming more than I have been in the past.
I filled out a passport application. I'm going to get my very first passport. I hope I get to use it for more than conversational fodder.
I started a new journal today.
I read two chapters in the Book of Mormon.
During church today, I was particularly inspired by the talks and the messages of hope and goal setting that were offered. I needed both of them. We also had a beautiful musical duet of piano and flute to "Ring out Wild Bells" and "If You Could Hie to Kolob". The blend of the two was inspired.
It's nice to get a fresh start.
Sort of like taking a clean towel from the cabinet to dry yourself on following a nice, warm shower, it is an affirmation that you have started over clean and neat.
No smudges, stains or messy erasure marks to mar the day. Just a new beginning.
That doesn't mean that smudges and stains won't come. They will.
But now, with renewed understanding from the past life lessons learned, they won't have to be so painful or so long lasting.
And the erasure marks will be a blessing because we can see them for what they are: a chance to start again, wiser than before.
Happy New Year!