August 26, 2008

I Have Confidence

Julie Andrews character "Maria" sang the song "I Have Confidence" on her way from the abbey to the home of Captain von Trapp and the host of children who needed a governess.

Her bravado was in full swing and her abilities were not in question - until she reached the house. Even when the butler opened the door, she was in control. Then the facade cracked when she realized just what she was up against when the Captain 'caught' her in the formal parlor dancing.

There she was, trapped in her own folly and there was literally no way she could escape. No face saving move was available. She had to deal with it and take the harsh rebuttal that the Captain rebuked her with and say nothing in return.

Moments like that happen to all of us soon or late in life.

Sometimes there isn't a stinging rebuke following a life altering moment. Sometimes the quantum shift is enough to bring you to your knees wondering why.

My Grandpa Moore used to say things like that happened because the Lord had confidence in US.

Then he would smile slyly and say, "Sometimes, I wish the Lord didn't have quite so much confidence in me."

Where do we separate the confidence of God from the false confidence of mankind? That's a line that is often crossed without realizing it. Forging ahead on a path that we believe to be right for us at that particular time means that we have to take a leap into the unknown. But does that unknown mean we leave God behind in our leap?

When I pray to know what to do based on the choices I have before me, I do so after choosing the course I think is best based on what I understand at that time. In those prayers, I ask that if my choice and understanding are wrong that He will gently show me where I have placed my confidence in the wrong things or people, including false confidence in myself.

Sometimes, the prayers have been more like begging.

I am, after all, still a whiny child who makes mistakes because I am impatient, petulent and willful.

Gee, those sound like stellar qualities for a pupil of life!

I have confidence that God knows the plan for my life and that He will help me to overcome myself if I am willing to let Him.

Even when I am caught dancing in His ballroom instead of waiting on His instructions, He will help me survive not only my stupidity, but my embarrassment at being caught out.

I have confidence in Him, even when I have none left in myself.

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