September 12, 2008

You Ain't Got The Right!

Mild mannered woman in faded jogging pants seeks sanity in world filled with spam.

Remind me why it is that ANYONE ever thought email was a GOOD idea?


I feel better now.

Here's how this scenario plays out.

Sitting at my desk reading the news and email, I received one that frustrates the bejeebers out of me.

You can have ANY opinion you want to and this little chick will fight to the DEATH to see that you can have your opinion. Even if I don't share it.

But please, do not send my email address to your favorite damn political action committee!!

I do not care if they are life's blood to you, they may not mean anything to me. The fact that you do not respect me enough to keep my address a private thing means now you have opened up my email box to a host of ads for products and services that I don't need or want. You have callously allowed strangers to send me materials with which I may not even agree or want to have in my home. I don't need Viagra or any 'natural' enhancement supplements. I am not interested in donating to the 'Save the Darter Fish Fund'. That doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me selective.

So thanks.

Thanks for nothing.

I realize that sometimes people mistakenly believe that causes should be universal in appeal. That is as likely as everyone being your friend.

Oddly enough, the belief that YOUR cause is EVERYONE'S cause via email is the QUICKEST way to lose friends I have ever seen.

Cyberspeed is way faster than an elementary school playground when eliminating friends.

So, unless we have a longstanding relationship in which the political give and take in our conversation is enough for us to agree, disagree and discuss without losing the important issue at hand of being friends, please do not send me your political crap.

There is enough of that floating around in the world without your generous contribution.

If this means we aren't friends anymore, I'm willing to live with that. Boo hoo.


Mary Ann said...

If someone gave out my e-mail address to a "cause" without my permission. I'd be upset too.
Sometimes people don't realize how damaging that can be.
I wouldn't call you harsh. I would call you someone who is "venting your frustration" in your own personal and private space.

Mary Ann said...

If someone gave out my e-mail address to a "cause" without my permission. I'd be upset too.
Sometimes people don't realize how damaging that can be.
I wouldn't call you harsh. I would call you someone who is "venting your frustration" in your own personal and private space.

Mary Ann said...

Oops! I posted twice. Sorry. My bad. :)