Hello handsome!
While I am QUITE SURE that you are not aware of my presence in the audience, I am absolutely sure that you are singing for ME.
These other people are like commercial filler.
This has been an AWESOME night!
Thanks to the fact that my best friend is as looney as I am and cares enough about the state of my mental well being to make sure I get to leave the house once in a while dressed in something other than a t-shirt and jeans, Beth got birthday tickets for us to go and see Brad.
Brad Paisley, of course! Is there any other one whom I'd care to see?
It was so cool to see him actually live and in person! It is one thing to watch the videos and to enjoy Brad's creamy, silken voice on the internet and over the airwaves, but to actually be within a stones' throw of him and see THE MAN in person was incredible!
The outdoor amphitheater we were in was partially filled when we arrived with more drunks arriving by the moment. I have no qualms about people having their adult beverages in the privacy of their home or when they have a designated driver.
I, however, draw the line at their sharing their beer with me across my left shoe. Call it a weakness. The shoe is now marinating in Lysol and getting a bath.
Hearing the screaming from people around me (because you know that I would NEVER participate in that sort of vulgar display!) was also part of the fun. For the record, I came home pretty hoarse -but I'll live.
Although I took my camera with the intent of collecting some photographs of the nights joy and wonder, I have to admit that shaking hands, jumping up and down and screaming to the top of my lungs once in a while did nothing for the photo quality.
The good part is I DID get a couple of good shots. The bad part is that depsite the number of aperture clicks from the concert, not all of the photographs were good. But rowdy people who are making noise while watching a concert aren't known for their stellar skills in clarity and focus. You take what you can get.
I have to say the best part of the night was sharing the moment with someone like Beth who is dyed in the wool, hard-core country who knows the ebb and flow of the emotions in the songs and who knows all the WORDS to all the songs, too. It's hard to enjoy a concert with someone when they are not 'invested' in the music and the act. Sure, it is still nice to go, but when you are with a fan, it makes being a fan yourself just a little bit better. Plus, singing along is just that little bit of love that we can throw back to the people who have shared their talents with us. It's a better gift than throwing bras onstage like they do at some concerts. Plus, frankly, what is Brad going to do with a pile of sweaty bras anyway? It's not like HE uses them.
As I sit here pondering the night's events, I must also mention that last night bore NONE of the trappings of the Hollyweird crowd. It was by and large a family event. Witness that statement by the number of kids and families who had come to share in the fabulous music and guitar playing which absolutely blew me away. (Go, Brad!)
And I was over the moon for him to sing (to me, of course) two of my favorite songs: "I'm Still A Guy" and "Waitin' On A Woman". There weren't any songs that weren't my favorites if the truth be told. His catalog of music just fits the contoures of my life.
I am thankful to have a husband who encourages me to get out and enjoy the things and people who make me happy. There are women who don't have that freedom and some who choose not to take it even when it is available.
More power to them.
I need these breaks in life to bring a semblance of sanity back into the room. I contribute way too much to the removal of sanity in my own life ...
Now, I will spend the day catching up on chores, doing the wash and mostly just remembering how nice it was to have a personal audience with Brad... even if he didn't know it was me he was singing for.
Spoken like a true groupie. :D
I'm glad you got out and was able to "let your hair down" as it were.
Spoken like a true groupie. :D
I'm glad you got out and was able to "let your hair down" as it were.
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