December 19, 2010

Strange dreams

I wonder what it is that I ate before bedtime that prompts the odd dreams I had last night. Like Scrooge decrying the spectral visitation as a bit of cheese or blob of mustard, I want to know just what I can lay blame to for the strange images and thoughts that crowd out sleep.

I was in an auditorium that was in a church. Choir practice was about to begin and there were literal hundreds awaiting placement in the choir rehearsal. Just as I began the sorting process of voices high, low and intermediate range into groups of like voices, a jazz band heretofore unseen struck up a lively tune of Christmas cheer.

Being a fan of jazz music, under other circumstances I would have listened in, but they were interrupting my rehearsal time with the choir. Patiently, this was pointed out to them on the floating monitor which indicated each groups scheduled time for rehearsal.

A shouting match began and my choir members watch while eating magically appearing fruit, popcorn and sandwiches.

Suddenly, there was a magnificent pipe organ down to my right in the orchestra pit and the woman at the keyboards insisted that she had to prepare for her concert of Christmas favorites to be held that very night.

I woke up cold and shivering realizing that my beloved Assassin dog had stolen all of my covers, including the electric blanket, so that she would be nice and cozy. Notice how all of her motivations lack concern for me? She still thinks she is prominently mentioned in my will as the beneficiary of the food and apparently my blankets.

Still confused by the dreams, the cold and the strange imagery that bounced around in my head, I wondered if this wasn't some portent of doom upon the rehearsal that I have been asked to prepare for and conduct later today?

I want the choir to do their best and sing a testimony of their feelings of Christ born into the world to save us all. But I can't push aside the very mortal and frustratingtly carnal man that wants to do well as a 'gotcha' since I am not normally the choir director.

Yeah, beauty and evil rolled into one tidy package.

It's a reminder that strange dreams never start out strange. They lull you into a false sense of security by beginning in a benign and gentle fashion before taking a left turn into the Twilight Zone - music and all.

Maybe tonight, I'll just have some juice before bed and see if that creates different dreams...

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