Generally speaking, when someone discusses an embarrassing problem in guarded tones and references it all to a mysterious "friend" who is too shy to come forward about it themselves, they are really talking about their own problem and trying to be tactful about fishing for the information they need to solve it, sort it out or just vent about it.
On rare occasions, people REALLY DO have a mysterious friend but it's so rare, it is a lot like mining for gold nuggets in your spaghetti supper. Anything is possible, just not likely.
So, when a friend comes to you with a problem that must be taken seriously, why did I laugh?
Because it was frankly hilarious.
I am sworn to secrecy about the actual problem because it would be indiscreet to discuss it publicly. That shall be left to the friend and the discretion they need. I'll just sit here and quietly snicker.
What happened isn't a "never before occurring event". Fact is, something similar happened to me years ago. And I know of at least one other person who for certain has shared this embarrassing circumstance.
The part about this all that is quasi-awkward is that there was just too much laughing. This isn't exactly something that should provoke laughter. Yet it did.
I still find myself smiling about it even now hours later.
Perhaps I should be ashamed of that. I'll think about that particular emotion later when I am done laughing.
As for the friend with the embarrassing problem. . . you know who you are and what your problem is.
Rest assured, your personal trial is safe with me.
I just hope you don't mind all the giggling.
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