May 29, 2013


It's that time of year again... the time when the squirrels take to the yard in their acrobatic displays of skill from branch to branch, leaping over one another in the clover in a madcap exercise of comedic proportion.

They are totally uninhibited in their approach to life. The food is there for the taking and they have no real competition in this yard. Even when Gypsy was with us, she didn't chase them. She viewed them as friends.

Today, the front yard family of squirrels has been entertaining us with their antics up in the tree and on the portion of the lawn by the road on the other side of the ditch. The young squirrels are easily startled by passing cars and show their level of anxiety by how high they leap into the air, or onto one another.

It's hilarious watching the battle royale that ensues. If you listen carefully, you can hear the unmistakable chattering that plainly says "GET OFF OF ME, NARVILLE!! YOU ARE STEPPING ON MY EYES!"

I love the little squirrels.

The other day, one of them was sitting on the corner of the porch roof just nibbling on a maple tree seed and looking intently at me as I was under the carport for a breath of outdoor air.

He kept his eyes clasped upon mine for the longest time. I spoke softly to him and he flicked his tail a time or two not leaving until Rick came out to see what was going on.

My Momma had a way with animals, both wild and tame. She would speak to them lovingly and they could sense her goodness and gentle spirit. They were never afraid of her. They would draw nearer and never shied away.

I like to think that our squirrels know me and tell their subsequent families in the generations down the line that ours is a safe yard for them to enjoy. That we would not hurt them.

I noticed the other day that we have some kind of chipmunks that have also joined us here. They are most welcome. They came right up onto the porch while the back door was standing wide open. Though they didn't come inside the house, they did look in very carefully as if to determine just what kind of creatures lived in this over-sized "nest" they had been investigating.

Well, the day is underway and I suppose I should get back to the chores I need to start while Jared is still napping. Perhaps dreaming of squirrels himself. Who knows?

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