January 8, 2014

A blogging we will go

So, Beth sends me an email indicating that she must create a blog for an assignment for the technology class she has decided to undertake.

Undertake... undertaker... either way, you get buried in an avalanche of epic proportions that compels you to do something that you hadn't planned and likely didn't want or desire to do.

In Beth's case, she is trying to check the box for the class in the most innocuous way possible without having to reveal either her breakfast or bowel habits to the entire universe.

I completely understand.

Having been at this "keeping a blog" jazz for a little while, sometimes there is a tendency to "overshare" or to reveal things that NO ONE needs to know. EVER.

Now, the navigation between the fine line of meeting the requirement in a way that is both satisfactory but yet tantalizing enough to draw interest begins. And unlike using a GPS, this navigation is self-directed... or self-inflicted. You take your pick which.

The trick here is to put in what is relevant for a grade but say it in a way that makes reading the blog worth clicking the link to find. Otherwise, it becomes an eternal digital part of the "glurge gallery" of useless pages that are found and discarded like the metal slugs that people thought were quarters from a distance --- which analogy reminds me of a funny story about my uncle Murlin.

Back when he was a young dude in the Navy, they were on leave and he was walking down a street and spotted something round and shiny ahead of him. Since money was scarce in the war years, he bent down enough to allow his fingers to skim the ground to collect the supposed coin on the ground.

Only it wasn't a coin... it was spit. SPIT... S - P -I -T. Spit.

Fingers covered in goo that he dare not wipe on his uniform, Uncle Murlin was faced with flinging and flicking his hand to remove the offending spittle until he could wash it off at the public fountain.

Aren't you glad you read this blog?

I'm sure you can sleep better having heard that little gem of a story. And, because I am absolutely certain you are now saying to yourself "I can do a better job of writing a blog posts than this!!", I look forward to receiving your link in my inbox.

I trust that there will be no unpleasant spit incidents in your halcyon hued offerings. Happy blogging!

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