September 4, 2014

Taking a little walk

Bluebirds were out in numbers today while Jared and I took our morning constitutional. They were dipping and soaring around the flowering bushes and plants that are around the cemetery just down the road from our house. We like to walk there because there isn't any traffic other than the wildlife that comes through to eat in the quiet of the setting.

There were also some killdeers as well.

I can push Jared for at least a mile most days and some days we go up to two miles on a fairly regular basis. The longest route I've done was 2.24 miles with Jared. I paid for that bit of reckless bravado for days.

We try to stick to two or less. Some days the spirit is willing but the flesh is beyond weak. It's non-existent.

Once in a while, we speak with our neighbors and wave to passing cars who are filled with friendly folk. Sometimes there are people who are so intent on the road ahead of them that they do not glance in either direction with eyes fixated on just the road. I worry about that because I'm not sure they are actually awake.

I'm thankful to be able to get out with Jared. It's been just about a year and a half since my wreck and at the time I wasn't really sure I'd survive, much less be able to walk again. So every day we can go out and about, we do.

May not compare to marathoners distances and likely will never win any medals, but I'm betting most of them are in better shape physically than I am. It's all good.

I'm not really competing with them anyway as much as I'm competing with time. I don't want to go before I wring every drop of living out of the time I have been given.

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