February 27, 2008


The delight of watching the clock tick down with an itchy trigger finger ready to do the deed that seals the deal in my favor.

There is something especially thrilling about bidding on Ebay for the pearl in your particular oyster. Everyone wants to get a bargain and more so when you can secretly double pump your fist and proclaim yourself king, queen or regent pro tem of the bidding frenzy.

I am currently waiting out a particular purchase. I'll confide right now that my bid is the grandeloquent sum of ONE CENT.

Do I expect to win?



I have no reason to believe that the item I am bidding on is so average as to be mundane. Worse yet, it isn't even pedestrian. I have bid on something old and dull. Unless it's something you actually want.

So I sit her like a fool and wait with my heart pounding like I've run a marathon.

If some other bidder sneaks in at the last critical second and trumps my maximum for the win, will I be crushed?

No. Well, maybe just a little, but I'm a big girl and I'll get over it sooner or later.

But what if I WIN!?!?!?

The starry eyed thrill of receiving the little email that says I have been declared THE WINNER among possible millions of others who wanted, but didn't obtain, the prize.

It's a heady elixer, that draught of winning.

I am not fooled by its silken flavor. I know all too well that the temptation offered by the seductive process of bidding can be snatched away like a rattle from a baby. And I imagine I'd react about the same because I have done just that in the past.

Ranting and raving about how some speed demon rushed in a last second bid to wipe mine right off the planet and bring home the shiny treasure all for themselves, I have been compelled to lull myself to sleep thinking of calmer things in the real world unattached to digital gateways and primal bidding wars.

A few moments is all that separates me from my treasured prize.

I feel a little like Gollum . . . the precious . . . the precious . . . uh . . .

I hope I don't LOOK like him.

By the way, I WON! I feel so . . . victorious!

1 comment:

Laura Player said...

I tagged you come look at my blog.