There is no such thing as the perfect life.
Dream all you want, but it simply doesn't exist.
Nothing could have brought that thought into such sharp focus than today has. Sometimes, stuff happens. We can't stop it, we can't fix it, we can't make it all better. We have to endure it.
We pray over our family, our circumstances and the many friends who touch our lives, we plan and we dream and we hope. Our towering thoughts create powerful images of what we believe to be the 'best thing', but, through the midst of all of this frenetic activity, we need to remember that our Father in Heaven is in charge.
Sometimes that is a lesson that we forget. He knows things we don't. Really. Some stuff that is historically bad personally and emotionally that leaves a seared and raw scar can also bring some of the greatest and most wonderful blessings of walking with God in order to survive. He carries us through the realities of our mortal life. He makes it possible to know that there is more than this one moment.
Even when we THINK we know how things should be, Father has a plan that sees so far beyond our mortal ability to perceive and understand, that He can create blessings in our life anew that surpass our most wild expectations. He can bless us in ways we simply cannot imagine or even think of until that very moment arrives!
Blend that blessing with the reality of our mortal journey through our personal afflictions and the daily slog through the morass of daily living.
What you get is a complete day filled with reminders that "I am not in charge".
I have cried today and prayed today and in weakness pleaded for understanding to things that are beyond my ability to comprehend.
I have felt the weakness of the mortal part of my eternal self in a humbling reminder that I NEED my Heavenly Father and desperately desire the blessings that the Atonement of His Son, my Savior, can bring into my life.
Then, through the miraculous and most appreciated blessing of the priesthood of God upon the Earth, I have felt the spiritual healing that brings a brilliant shaft of Light into my being and helps bring me back from the arms of despair and into the warmth of a Love so fluid and so wonderful that my entire being - body, soul and all - is suffused with a joy that has helped me to see that I don't need to know everything, I just need to know the One who does.
It's been one of those days all day long.
But I honestly believe we have these days to remind us that we matter on an individual level as real children of God who must seek him on the days when nothing makes sense and tragedy is manifest in the lives of those we care for from day to day.
Peace be unto you.
What beautiful words! And within those simple words is a universe of healing even in a day that seemed to be broken in many pieces and beyond repair.
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