November 21, 2008

Budgetary issues

Realization that our world is changing is a constant presence in my life.

What has been a long, hard-fought and frequently bitter political season has been punctuated by the election results naming our next commander in chief.

I didn't pick him.

But, as an American, I am honor bound to support him when he is right, and pray for him when he is wrong - to paraphrase and adulterate a quote by Lincoln.

I worry that his approach to cabinet level posts and the vetting process used to pick people far left of center is nothing more than the business as usual partisan approach that keeps our nation mired in the stupid belief that if we throw enough money at it - the problem (Whatever that might be) will simply disappear. This isn't change we can believe in. This is party politics as usual with people who can play the game.

Taxation will drive businesses away from the American marketplace and businesses can spend a fraction of their delightful bottom line on salaries for people in third and second world markets who are just thankful to be working without the benefit of a union gorilla strong arming the managment into paying salaries that are unreasonable.

Then there is the issue of corporate talking heads preparing a golden road for themselves and a likewise golden hued parachute to fly away beneath when the company that made everything so pleasant for them goes belly up due to board and leadership stupidity.

The people I worry about are the ones who made the corporations profitable and hoped to enjoy a life of leisure in their golden years, but who now must rinse and reuse their tinfoil to make ends meet.

Why does ANY corporate talking head who polishes a chair with his ass need a paycheck that his higher than twice the line workers salary?

Why do they need a separate cafeteria or dining room and for heaven's sake, why do they need a private jet????

Don't these 'brilliant strategists' realize they could go onto and get airline tickets the way the 'little people' do?

Talk about stupid.

It's like the scandal a few years ago in the Department of Defense where some idiot contractors jacked up the price on getting materials and goods to our men and women who serve our nations interests.

How in the devil can they possibly justify charging them hundreds of dollars for a hammer, when any fool in the world can get one for lest than $30?

Part of it is because these talking heads haven't ever had to live and die by the balance in the checkbook and make sacrifices because you can't afford to 'do it all'.

Part of it is simply arrogance, believing they somehow DESERVE the huge bucks they are knocking down.

I'd bet my eye teeth the average military man or woman would love to have a fraction of the money that is thrown out into the void by our leaders who don't demand accountability or seem to understand what that word is in any sense.

One wonders if those delightful educations they brag about managed to include even one class on consumer math?

You can't spend what you don't have ... eventually the piper must be paid and in my world, jail would be the alternative for those who take goods and services without the money to pay for either one.

Just rambling this morning.

Either that or the cold medicine is talking.

You decide which one.

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