November 5, 2008


My phone will once again be silent when it comes to people seeking my vote for anything.

The Kool-aid has been drunk and savored by the masses who are seeking for and have now voted into office their version of a messiah.

I did not, nor would I ever vote for someone who would willingly take upon himself that particular appellation without telling other people to stop calling him that name.

Instead, we now have a president elect who is willing to make his own Kool-aid, drink it, and believes that for the 'good of the nation' we should all belly up to the bar and have a swig.

In the King James Version of the Holy Bible it says:

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (New Testament 1 Timothy 5:8)

The nation's new president elect is suggesting that some elements of our society need no longer worry about being branded as in infidel. Instead, they can be the recipient of 'redistributed wealth".

Do what????

With the flush of success upon them, the newly anointed social police will be ramming the Marxist and Socialistic policies of failed nations down our throats and encouraging us to swallow and smile and feel better about taking care of others.

This isn't about taking care of the feeble, the infirm or the helpless.

This is about providing for those who are unwilling to care for their own as they have grown fat on the carcass of bloated social programs already costing our nation way too much money.

But like all socialist schemes from the past has shown, they will gain power and prominence and cause widespread suffering until the people cry 'uncle' and beg for relief from the oppressive regulations that remove freedom from one and present it as a gift wrapped token to those who have done nothing to earn, hold or preserve it.

Then, moderation is once again dusted off and removed from the shackles of oppression and pressed into service to 'fix the mess' that our nation has gotten itself into.

The problem here is that soon, there will not be a nation to preserve.

We are at war with ourselves from sea to shining sea. The principles and practices that made our nation great and a nation under God who believed that His sacred providence and grace were the root to the tree of freedom are increasingly being brought under attack.

The axe is laid at the very root of the tree and the cheers will be loud and mighty when our freedom falls to the ground. Nations of the world today are cheering because they know we are killing our own liberty to appease those who don't have it and don't respect it.

A majority has spoken through money to elect a man with no principles.

And like the ticks of the southern forests, he will suck out the blood of our nations' wealth and leave within a sickness that will devastate in due time.

The fever of unrealistic optimism has gripped those who cast their fates into the shifting sands of policy projected by the 'party of the people'.

And that is what they, and the people of the world who seek America's downfall are hoping for - one big party that makes people pay for whatever ails the 'downtrodden', even when their own choices have placed them there.

I have pity and compassion for the sinners of the world since I am one of them myself. I want my Savior to indeed save me from my sins, and, more importantly, to save me from MYSELF. I can't always see what is best for me and sometimes I willfully choose to do the wrong thing believing that it won't catch up to me...but it always does.

Now, we are entering a particularly painful time. The lesson will come, and it will be painful in ways that we cannot truly imagine.

But the question in my mind is, with all the politics as usual that have now created calamity to come, will anyone be left to listen at all?

Look unto God and cast your burdens at the feet of Jesus Christ. They are the only sure anchor to our souls and the only sure way.

Remember, our faith never promised us safety of the body, but rather, safety of the soul.

And I am reasonably sure there are no campaigns, elections or voter fraud in Heaven.

God does not allow it.

So to all of the blood suckers who will have their day in the sun, I leave a warning:

When all of the companies who provide the wheels to industry fold up, move out and shutter their doors, when the bread lines and soup lines wrap around the block because there is nothing on the shelves and when there are no longer people able to pay your way for you because of the forced "wealth sharing" bloodletting which has literally bled the nation dry, remember that YOU voted for "hope and change". I truly hope this wasn't the kind of change you voted for.

Because it will be the change you get and which all of us will be compelled to wade through as well. And if you KNEW this would be the outcome, it makes you worse than the ticks of the southern forests.

Also as a personal aside, I am not rich, but I share what I can when I can and literally shed tears wishing there was more I could do. But forcing me to starve my family out to provide for able bodies who COULD do for themselves doesn't sit well with me. The level of feigned outrage at what isn't being given to the 'disenfranchised' also makes me sick.

And that doesn't make me evil or greedy or hateful or racist.

It means I read my Bible.

Those who chose to live as infidels may get rewards in this life, but I guarantee there is no welfare check in Heaven.

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