While watching "Sky High" tonight, a question floated in to my subconscious.
Am I a hero or a sidekick?
Odd question for one who doesn't even possess the power of glowing in the dark or turning into a hamster (if you haven't seen the movie, go see it!).
Deep down, all of us mortal and extremely fallible beings wishes to be more. From the guy with two teeth at the truck stop to the old guy pumping gas at the Midway Gas-N-Go, we all want to be something we are not.
It's as if who we ARE isn't enough.
Do we ever truly know what our 'power' is?
How much of our life is spent looking at the stereotypes placed before us and wishing we were the popular one or the cute one or the one who had all the friends?
We want to be taller, shorter, thinner, heavier, blonder or more brunette or just more - period.
Whatever we are, we have come to believe it isn't enough.
Who says so?
Satan. The Father of Lies. It is his job to make us miserable like he is and the only way he truly accomplishes his diabolical purpose is to make the divinely created Child of God we are feel like we are nothing.
We buy potions, lotions and cremes of all sorts. We run, walk and pump iron trying to keep off even a miniscule reminder that age is part of the bargain of coming into mortality for our turn here on the earth.
Egos are bruised and hearts shattered when we just don't measure up to the airbrushed, photo altered perception of reality we are spoon fed from the time we open our eyes at birth.
It doesn't have to be an either/or proposition and it doesn't have to make us losers if we are always found in the supporting role instead of the lead part.
Sadly, all of us have taken a heaping helping of the "I'll never measure up" tonic that makes just getting through daily life harder than it has to be.
Who's yardstick are we supposed to be measuring our progress by anyway? Satan's? He is our ENEMY! He would have us believe that not only are we sidekicks by designation but that we are piss poor even in that.
He wants us to grovel, suffer and while away our lives wishing for something better because it completely blinds us to all that we truly are.
God, the Father, did NOT send us here to fail or fall. He sent us here as a loving parent knowing that part of our learning would be in leadership and part would be in learning to follow willingly. There will be bumps, bruises and tough times. But we are not alone on our path.
Through all of the hardship, our loving Elder Brother is right there coaching us along. Whisperings of the Holy Spirit encourage us with messages of hope, faith and the promise that not only are we enough, we can become more than our feeble mortal dreams could imagine - if only we are willing to push off the blinders of our enemy and embrace the hope of those who truly love us enough to help us grow through our struggles.
I don't have to have a cape to be a hero. And it doesn't make me lesser to be the sidekick when it's another's turn to be in charge.
If I can remember that when times are tough, I think it will all work out just fine.
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