October 21, 2014

It Must Ever Be Thus...

Seriously... already starting out to be "one of those days".

Jared believes sleep is for the weak.

I must surely be able to bench press a Buick by this time.

When we finally heralded an actual dawn, it was time to begin the laundry. The clothing apparently married and had offspring overnight, so there was a great deal to sort and start whirling away in the washer.

What I had not counted on was the stupor that my tired body would be in at the time crucial decision needed to be made regarding soap, vinegar and dryer sheets.

Did you know dryer sheets can fly? Me neither until this  morning. Dang nasty thing kept eluding my grasp and floating delicately to places that didn't resemble the interior of the dryer in the slightest!! GRR!!

Then when I had to refill the little cups in the washer that hold the detergent and the softener, I managed to discover upon pulling the drawer out for said refill that the soap dispenser cup had some retained water in it.

I emphasize the word HAD because it splashed out nice and cold down my leg and onto my foot like a quick shower. Color me not amused.

Okay, grabbing a towel from the hamper, I wiped down my offended now chilled leg with goosebumps decorating it and dabbed at my shoe. The detergent receptacle was now empty and ready to receive the new complement of my homemade detergent.

Reaching for the recycled detergent container, I realized it was woefully inadequate to the purpose, so I set about to refill it first.

The 5-gallon bucket beneath the counter has the mix already prepared so I can ostensibly refill the smaller dispenser container. I hadn't counted on the baptism of detergent when I stirred the soap to ensure thorough mixing.


At least my leg can now say it had a bath.

Repeat wiping procedure with the same towel from the hamper.

As is my habit with laundry, I put some vinegar in the softener dispenser and the hateful nasty little bottle glurged out the contents in a hiccup and burp that guaranteed my leg would now smell like a gherkin. Lovely. If only my husband liked dill pickles, we'd be in business.

Same leg all three times. That is quality aiming. What exactly do I have against my left leg???

Finally, the laundry is whirling and the chores are underway.

It's just gonna be one of those days, peeps. Just one of those days.

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