January 26, 2008


We are watching Indian in the Cupboard this morning and I am thinking about what people in general do when they find they have some power.

When Omri discovers that he can make toys 'come alive' with the cupboard, he makes some horrible judgements about who and what to bring alive. Involving his friend in the process complicates matters in that he has to add the life of the cowboy to the mess he has created with the indian that he has already thrust into his choices.

The whole story has always bothered me somewhat because in Omri's case, he is indeed acting as 'god' to the little plastic figures he brings to life. He chooses who gets to go into the magical cabinet and who gets to come out. He chooses who is returned to plastic and who stays as a living being for whatever time.

How much of what we do is not much different in our own lives?

We make choices about how we bring people to life in our lives and dispose of them when we are done with them. It is a scary thing to think about. When things are good, we share our time with other people and just keep getting from them whatever we need to keep going. Sometimes we don't think about their needs at all.

I am sure there are people in the world for whom this may not be an issue. Or at least not much of one because they have learned to temper this part of their mortality.

But it is an issue I struggle with from time to time.

Whom do I choose to keep 'alive' in my life and in my relationships with other people and whom do I discard as 'plastic'?

Just pondering while watching Omri overcome the 'natural man' in the film.

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