June 3, 2009

Amended Rules of Dating for 2009

I have begun to realize that the rules of dating are much different as well as the expectation of the outcome from said dating than the ideals of my youth.

Sure, we had stupid people back them in the dark ages, too, but today, it seems that a vast number of people are dipping from the shallow end of the gene pool these days.

My sisters and I came up with what are, apparently, the new rules of dating, circa 2009.

1 - Car rolls up outside house and horn blasts a couple of times and strident voice yells "YO! 'sup?"

2 - Girl yells back "DAWG!" and runs out to car of perfect stranger who got her address from bathroom wall at truck stop.

3 - Dating arrangments: Drinks, dope, sex. But not necessarily in that order and the date never has any money.

4 - Pregnancy and denials of paternity.

5 - Recriminations and DNA test on "Jerry Springer" TV show while foul mouthed discussions of who is the bigger slut go on for a live audience.

6 - Broken car windows and malicious damage at home.

7 - Appearance on Judge Judy to recoup some money for compensation to pay for damages.

8 - MySpace and/or Facebook pages dedicated to trashing ex significant other and their posse.

9 - Police called in for numerous harrasment and/or stalking claims but refuse to arrest either party due to lack of sufficent evidence. TV show "Cheaters" is called in to investigate.

10 - Brief period of make up and play nice followed by unprotected sex and arrival of child #2 requiring new appearance on trashy TV show like "Steve Wilko" to have second paternity test performed to acertain paternity for child #2.

11 - Couple stays together with shabby Vegas wedding and groom joins Marine Corps to provide for family. Wife cheats and causes divorce.

12 - Girl dates trifling, low-life 'dudes' with no jobs and no prospect of either while former spouse is bounced from Marines for drug use. Did we mention the 'new dude' is ALSO a drug dealer...?

13 - Baby #3 in as many years arrives with more denials of paternity. With no prospect of completing high school education and no job on the horizon, girl takes off to Europe to 'find herself and find out what it's like somewhere else'.

14 - Girl returns from Europe with #4 in tow. No idea who the father is nor which country he is from.

15 - All boys in question continue propagation of the species with 'no clue the baby was mine' and run away to do it again with the next stupid girl.

Now that you know the rules that a great deal of society follows, you might want to know that there is a vast number of youth out there who think sex is a recreational activity that has no deeper significance than flossing your teeth. They don't see anything wrong with a variety of abberant behaviors and have been raised in such a permissive world that nothing is beyond the pale to them.

If this sounds funny to you, I'm truly sorry.

The fact is that we know too many who fit this list for it to make me laugh. And the saddest part is they are not making any effort to learn from their mistakes and poor choices because they honestly don't think they are making mistakes.

No wonder the world laughs as our nation self destructs in morality and decency.

They are happy to have our decadent people come spend our money with them, but they want to keep the lid on their own citizens to protect them from the abuse of agency that they see in us, the people who USED TO BE the freest nation in the world.

We are in bondage to appetite, desires and passions instead of being free under the rule of justice, decency and courage.

How long will this be permitted to continue...only God knows.

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