I have to ask myself just who is running this show sometimes. When the best laid plans of mice and men seem to change without warning, life gets exciting.
The best part of it is learning, like a sailor on the deck of a ship at sea, to roll with it all and just keep our eyes focused on the object of our design and keep moving forward.
I learned that particular lesson in a carnival fun house with a rotating floor. If you just focus on something at a distance and never look down, you can keep forging ahead despite the movement beneath your feet.
Life is like that all the time. The ground keeps shifting, but we have a choice, we can either shift WITH the movement and possibly go adrift... or we can step confidently and move to higher ground that isn't going anywhere at all.
Now comes the crucial question. Though I have some of the answers of life, they are not original answers. Heavenly Father provided them all and He shares those answers with everyone who will listen.
But I don't flatter myself that I am perfect. That is simply not true in my life.
So I ask myself, although my life is in reality just one Child of God trying to make my way back home, if somehow it was found worthy to be made into a movie - just whom would I choose to play my part?
I am thankful for my physical attributes, but herein must say, they haven't been 'altered' in the way Hollywood ascribes beauty with the surgeon's blade. The only plastic work I've ever had was as a result of an auto accident, so vanity wasn't the issue - closing up my wounds was.
Although there are high spots to be sure, I have rarely saved the nation from terrorists. I have, however, saved my household from an infestation of ants. I wonder how Hollywood would 'adjust' that truth? I'm sensing something requiring CGI and computer animation.
I have gone on adventures on land, water and through the air. But none of them used a jet pack, beaming technology or an invisible submarine. So again, I find that I am flummoxed by how a movie would show the excitement that my family finds in those things that would be considered mundane and ordinary.
So now, after reading the results of a friend's Facebook quiz on which Hollywood actress is most like her and seeing her amusement at the pronouncement, I realize that there are very few 'real' people in Hollywood who would be willing to take on the role of my life.
Sometimes, I don't want the role, either.
But at many, many other times, I feel so privileged to have my life just the way it is, that I don't want to pawn off any portion of it to another living soul. It has become a beautiful thing to me.
One silly quiz I took said I was a lot like Doris Day. I kind of like that because she never stooped to making trash. And I'm sure that the powers that be considered it. They are certain to have pushed for it. But she, to the best of my knowledge, only made movies that were cheerful, upbeat and positive.
I like that.
Even when life is hard, I like the thought that I can choose to be cheerful, upbeat and positive.
I realize the zenith of opportunity to create a movie of my life may never come. But that's just fine with me. I'd hate to think what an unkind screenwriter would make of the learning opportunities disguised as problems and mistakes. I haven't lived in a vacuum and looking backwards can sometimes be pretty messy.
So, if I had to choose and if my life were worth making into a movie, I'd like Doris Day to play my part. I think she would find the good despite the mistakes and make the movie into something warm, genuine and funny that the whole family could come and enjoy. There would be lots of songs, maybe a dance number or two and some sort of minor conflict that gets resolved before the main character kisses her handsome co-star and the closing credits roll.
Just sitting here this morning trying to decide how to start my day...
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